Frozen. Trapped. Out of Control.
Constantly discouraged. Relationships that used to be a source of strength are falling apart. No longer in charge of your life, it is ruled by fear, sadness and anger.
Stuck in behavior that doesn’t reflect who you really are. And that stuckness really gets you down. Self-hate grows every day.
Even worse, you think you should know better. You think you shouldn’t have these problems. You’re smart, but it’s not helping you. Daily misery is taking a toll – you just want to BREAK FREE!
You’ve done your best to handle it, but you need more help.
Trust is almost impossible; you’re always on guard. It’s starting to affect your work life and you feel like a fraud.
People keep telling you that you’re too sensitive and to just calm down. Ha, like it’s that easy. Panic and anxiety are constantly throwing a wrench in your plans.
Other people don’t understand what you’re going through. They mean well, but you need more help than simple advice.
Therapy will give you real help. Real change.
You’ll finally find a therapist who really gets it. Someone who can honor who you truly are and who sees how hard you’ve been trying.
I see what you’re up against. I know how to help you.
Not only will you better understand why you are so stuck right now, you’ll also learn how to do what you need to do to get unstuck. You and I will tackle the emotional and behavioral patterns that currently leave you hopeless and dragged down.
You’ll learn how emotions are supposed to work. You’ll learn how your brain is trying to help you and also why it’s getting in your way. You’ll practice new behaviors that create healthy brain pathways.
My goal is to help you learn the principles you need to help yourself, so you don’t have to be in therapy for the next 10 years. You have a life that’s waiting for you sooner than that!
You WILL start to see relief and a way out!
You don’t have to be resigned to a life of pain, difficulty and hiding.
Therapy can be the best thing you ever do for yourself.
Cari’s Story
Cari had been running on fumes. Getting out of bed, feeding the cat, getting through traffic much less relationships…everything was such a struggle. Her secret weapon, berating herself, had stopped getting her out of bed. Trying to please her boss and be professional to her co-workers just about did her in every day.
She was too tired to socialize. Not only that, she found herself inexplicably upset, even when she tried to relax. It was like anger just settled on her in a haze, pushing her blindly to make stupid decisions and alienate the people who reached out.
Finally, her work supervisor told her that if she “called out” one more time, she’d be fired. Cari was mortified at how obvious her struggles must have been. And she was furious. Simply driving home sapped all her strength. She slumped up the steps and sank into a chair on her porch. Merely turning the front door knob was beyond her.
It started to rain. Of course. Cari sat there, huddled in a damp lawn chair, frigid rain drizzling behind her collar, tears streaming down her cheeks, feeling she deserved every last misery from each freezing raindrop.
And she knew that she had to make one more effort to get help.
“It sounds like discouraged isn’t a strong enough word,” I said to her as she sat in my office. “You were trying as hard as a person could try to make things work, to get yourself to keep going. You must have felt like you were supposed to move a mountain but all you had was a teaspoon.”
She nodded blindly, then looked me in the eye. “Yes,” she said. “That’s exactly how it felt. Nobody gets how hard I’m working because I’m still failing.”
I asked her to give something different a try. We talked about how the brain works and how her feelings made sense. We found manageable steps she could see herself easily doing. We identified some comfortable homework that would help her make progress between sessions. She was encouraged enough to give it a try.
I was so proud of her! Although changing behavior patterns wasn’t easy, it started happening. Bits and pieces built on each other until things were noticeably improved. She stopped hating herself. She was surprised she no longer sobbed all the way home from work. She had more energy. She had better boundaries at work and started liking it.
“Who even was that person sitting in the rain,” she asked me one day. “I mean, I know it was me…but it feels like a whole other life, like a dream. I’m so not that person anymore.”
Get some relief from the pain you’re feeling. Call me today at (860) 538-3266, and let’s get started.
Hi, I’m Alison
You have struggled to stay above water. You’re doing the best you can, yet things are still falling apart. The discouragement is huge. I understand.
You didn’t cause all your problems. But you need to solve them anyway. I work with you to unlock solutions.
Telling yourself to quit feeling the way you feel just makes things worse. I know exactly how to change this.
Your “emotional brain” runs your life and you feel burned out and hopeless. I help you find the motivation to try again.
Feelings don’t usually do what you tell them to do! As I say in therapy, “your limbic system doesn’t speak English.” This truth is why the mind-body connection is so necessary and powerful.